RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers


Item# the-space-children

Product Description

A glowing brain-like creature arrives on a beach near a rocket test site via a teleportation beam. The alien communicates telepathically with the children of scientists. The kids start doing the alien's bidding as the adults try to find out what's happening to their unruly offspring. Michel Ray ... Bud Brewster Adam Williams ... Dave Brewster Peggy Webber ... Anne Brewster Johnny Washbrook ... Tim Gable Jackie Coogan ... Hank Johnson Richard Shannon ... Lieutenant Colonel Manley Raymond Bailey ... Dr.Wahrman Sandy Descher ... Eadie Johnson Larry Pennell ... Major Thomas Peter Baldwin ... Security Officer James Ty Hardin ... Sentry (as Ty Hungerford) Russell Johnson ... Joe Gamble (as Russell D. Johnson) David Bair ... Saul Wahrman, Wahrman's Teenage Son Johnny Crawford ... Ken Brewster Eilene Janssen ... Phyllis Manley, a teen Runtime:69 min Country:USA Language:English Year: 1958