RARE Horror and Science Fiction Thrillers

Mountaintop Motel Massacre

Mountaintop Motel Massacre
Item# mountaintop-motel-massacre

Product Description

After several years in an insane asylum, Evelyn, the keeper of the Mountaintop Motel, is released and resumes doing business. She kills her young charge out of anger, but convinces the police it was an accident - and pushed into insanity, she then proceeds to target her guests, first by releasing vermin into their rooms, but then by using her trusty sickle... Bill Thurman ... Reverend Bill McWiley Anna Chappell ... Evelyn Will Mitchel ... Al Virginia Loridans ... Tanya Major Brock ... Crewshaw James Bradford ... Sheriff Amy Hill ... Prissy Marian Jones ... Mary

Gregg Brazzel ... Vernon Country: USA Language: English Year:1986